What I Do?
Computational Molecular Science
New materials are deperately needed to drive a renewable energy transition. To accelerate materials discovery, I simulate materials before they are ever synthesized in a lab, trying to determine their properties and behavior at a much lower cost.
Scientific Software Engineering
Simulating hundreds or thousands of materials is challenging, requiring highly specialized codes and generating huge amounts of data. I write software that makes it easier to run, store, and analyze the results of simulations.
Data Science & AI
With great data comes great responsibility. I use cutting edge data science and AI techniques to turn heaps of raw simulation data into useful results. I also study how visualization and design can help humans glean greater understanding from raw data.
Front End Development
Ultimately, insights must be communicated. No medium is more widespread or more flexible than the modern web. I use web technologies like React and Plotly Dash to build accessible and attractive apps that communicate scientific findings.